Video: Basics for getting started fishing for carp

Fishing for carp is extremely popular in Europe and Asia, and is quickly gaining momentum in Australia and North America, where is has been introduced and can be found in many residential waterways.

The fish fight really well, making an impressive catch as they jump out of the water in their attempt to escape, often this can break the line, adding a challenge to carp fishing that is rarely seen in other fish such as perch.

This video shows all the info you need when targeting carp, how the fish fights and how to ensure your catch is successful. A small size 6 hook is often enough when fishing for European carp.

Fishing for carp is also a great way to assist your local waterways, for fish that were introduced to your region, there is often no catch or bag limits, so you can catch fish all day long.

They can also be easily dispatched (put to death) using a heavy fishing priest, giving a carp a few strong hits on the top of the head just behind the eyes is often enough to kill it, for smaller fish you can also use a clove bath (a plastic container filled with 50ml clove oil to 1 litre of water), in the clove bath the fish will pass out within a few seconds, and can be left in there for 30 minutes until death is assured, then they can be placed in a bin.

As clove oil is expensive, it is recommended to keep the water and re-use it each trip, but remember, always dispose of unwanted carp in a bin, as leaving them on the banks is not very considerate of other fishers (because of the smell).


Ultimate.Fishing, all posts under this author are from the site owner.

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